Charged leptons have been key to the current understanding of physics at the shortest length scales and are the focus of precise tests of the Standard Model. In the coming years several experiments with increased sensitivity in charged lepton physics are expected to deliver exciting results. This workshop will offer the possibility for theoretical and experimental physicists to discuss the status and prospects of this field of research.
Among the key scientific objectives will be: the study of EFT interpretations for different types of leptonic observables, the identification of which experiments best probe the parameter space of different BSM theories, proposals for the optimal use of existing data, the investigation of new BSM searches at existing and upcoming experiments which go beyond their main physics goals, and proposals for new types of symmetries beyond known flavour and CP symmetries.
The workshop has three main topics:
muon precision physics (weeks 1+2), charged lepton flavour violation (weeks 2+3) and tau lepton precision physics (weeks 3+4).
weeks 1+2: muon precision physics
weeks 2+3: charged lepton flavour violation
weeks 3+4: tau lepton precision physics