Sunyaev, Rashid (Max-Planck Institute for Astrophysics)
[25 August, 11:00-12:00]
Planck, Galaxy Clusters, and Spectral Distortions
Abstract TBA [ no PDF slides yet ]
Hlozek, Renee (Princeton)
[25 August, 14:00-14:30]
Planck Data Reconsidered
We re-analyse the Planck data and find that the 217GHz x 217GHz detector set spectrum used in the Planck analysis is responsible for some of the tension between the Planck parameters and other astronomical measurements. We will describe our map-based foreground cleaning procedure, which relies on a combination of 353 GHz and 545 GHz maps to reduce residual foregrounds in the intermediate frequency maps used for cosmological inference. While in broad agreement with the results reported by the Planck team, the parameters we obtain using our foreground cleaning imply a universe with a lower matter density of Omega_m=0.302 +-0.015, and parameter values generally more consistent with pre-Planck CMB analyses and astronomical observations. We compare our cleaning procedure with the foreground modelling used by the Planck team and find good agreement. The difference in parameters between our analysis and that of the Planck team is mostly due to our use of cross-spectra from the publicly available survey maps instead of their use of the detector set cross-spectra which include pixels only observed in one of the surveys. We show evidence suggesting residual systematics in the detector set spectra used in the Planck likelihood code, which is substantially reduced for our spectra.
[PDF slides]
Wandelt, Benjamin (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris)
[26 August, 14:00-14:30]
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Burgess, Cliff (McMaster University and Perimeter Institute)
[26 August, 14:30-15:00]
Open EFTs and Inflation
Effective field theories are very useful ways to exploit the simplicity that comes when systems have a hierarchy of scales. This simplicity is normally summarized in terms of an effective lagrangian, which systematically captures the most important effects of high-energy states for low-energy observers. This talk summarizes a new kind of effective field theory, Open EFT, such as would apply to systems like a particle moving through an environment like a fluid. In such a system the ability to exchange information with the environment implies pure states can evolve to mixed states, precluding a description in terms of an effective lagrangian. The simplicity associated with a hierarchy of scale can nonetheless often be captured, using a Lindblad equation. This talk provides a quick introduction to Open EFTs, and uses them to describe the effective field theory appropriate to super-Hubble modes during inflation in the presence of an environment of sub-Hubble modes. The resulting Lindblad equation explains why primordial quantum fluctuations quickly decohere while outside the Hubble scale, re-entering as classical fluctuations in the field eigen-basis. It also explains why fluctuation probabilities are described by a stochastic framework, and provides a first-principles derivation of Starobinsky's stochastic inflation formalism (plus, in principle, allowing the computation of sub-dominant corrections to it). [ PDF slides ]
Baccigalupi, Carlo (SISSA, Trieste)
[27 August, 14:00-14:30]
Simulating and observing CMB-LSS cross-correlation
We discuss the development of methodologies for being able to simulate the CMB lensing effects caused by LSS simulations. We also show recent results on the cross-correlation of CMB lensing as seen by Planck and Herschel catalogues. [PDF slides]
Bartelmann, Matthias (Institut für Theoretische Astrophysik, Heidelberg)
[27 August, 14:30-15:00]
Microscopic classical field theory for cosmic structure formation
Based on a path-integral formulation for the non-equilibrium dynamics of a classical many-particle system, it is possible to derive a general scheme for cumulants of collective fields, such as density and velocity, of such particle ensembles, together with their time evolution. I shall describe how this theory can be applied to cosmic structure formation, in particular to calculations of the non-linear matter power spectrum. Further applications and a possible approach to the renormalisation flow of this theory will briefly be discussed.[ no slides available]
Finelli, Fabio (INAF/IASF Bologna)
[28 August, 14:00-14:30]
CMB constraints on a stochastic background of primordial magnetic fields
A stochastic background of primordial magnetic fields can leave different footprints on the anisotropy pattern of the cosmic microwave background. I will describe in particular the primordial magnetic field signatures on the CMB power spectra of temperature and polarization and the constraints from current observations. [ PDF slides ]
Kobayashi, Takeshi (Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Toronto)
[28 August, 14:30-15:00]
Generating and Constraining Primordial Magnetic Fields
Large-scale magnetic fields exist in cosmic structures such as galaxies and galaxy clusters. Moreover, recent gamma ray observations have suggested the existence of magnetic fields even in void regions. In this talk I will explain how such large-scale magnetic fields can be generated in the early universe. In particular, I will discuss the possibility of cosmological magnetogenesis in the post-inflationary universe, when the inflaton oscillates around its potential minimum and the universe is effectively dominated by cold matter. I will also present a new way of constraining magnetogenesis models from the Schwinger effect. Electric fields generated along with the magnetic fields induce large conductivity in the universe via the Schwinger effect, posing a major challenge for magnetic field generation, especially for the conventional inflationary magnetogenesis models. [ PDF slides ]
Senatore, Leonardo (Stanford University)
[29 August, 14:00-14:30]
The Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structures
The Effective Filed Theory of Large Scale Structures provides a novel framework to analytically compute the clustering of the Large Scale Structures in the weakly non-linear regime in a consistent and reliable way. The theory that describes the long wavelength fluctuations is obtained after integrating out the short distance modes and adding suitable operators that allow to correctly reconstruct the effect of short distance fluctuations at long distances. A few observables have been computed so far, and the results are extremely promising. I will discuss the formalism and the main results so far.
[ PDF slides ]
Taylor, Andy (Royal Observatory Edinburgh)
[29 August, 14:00-14:30]
Effective Field Theory for Dark Energy and Gravity and Shielding
Surveys beyond Planck aim to probe physics beyond the standard cosmological model or find evidence for deviations from it. In the absence of a clear theoretical direction, a large model-space of possible theories has arisen. While exploring each theory is of interest, it is useful to find a comprehensive way to describe the full model-space, starting close to the standard cosmological model. In this talk I present an Effective Field Theory (EFT) approach to describing deviations from LCDM through an effective Lagrangian for a large model-space. The extra terms in this Lagrangian can be mapped to specific theories of dark energy and modified gravity or generate new ones. Background cosmology in the EFT can be constrained to match the observed expansion history. Deviations from LCDM in the quasi-static, sub-horizon regime can be calculated, and I show that in order to match clustering and lensing constraints on small-scales different classes of self-shielding models arise. These classes set constraints on the Lagrangian and form a basis for exploring the model-space of dark energy and modified gravity in current and future surveys. [ talk cancelled ]
Sheehy, Christopher (KICP)
[1 September, 14:00-14:30]
Results from BICEP2
In this talk I will present the recent, high significance detection of degree scale B-mode polarization by the BICEP2 experiment, a microwave polarimeter that observed at the South Pole from 2010-2012. I will discuss the instrument, analysis and results, and review the status of upcoming measurements aiming to determine the origin of the signal. [ PDF slides ]
Grin, Daniel (University of Chicago)
[1 September, 14:30-15:00]
Some new sources of CMB spectral distortions
With the PIXIE and PRISM CMB satellite proposals, measuring distortions of the CMB frequency spectrum away from a perfect blackbody becomes a realistic experimental possibility. We discuss three new ways in which these distortions could open windows on aspects of primordial cosmology. In particular, we will show the power of CMB spectral distortions to test for the presence of primordial isocurvature modes on extremely small scales, for the presence of active (scaling) sources of CMB fluctuations on extremely small scales, and for tensor perturbations. [ PDF slides ]
Hazra, Dhiraj Kumar (Asia Pacific Centre for Theoretical Physics, APCTP)
[2 September, 14:00-14:30]
Primordial power spectrum from Planck
Using modified Richardson-Lucy algorithm I shall demonstrate the reconstruction of the primordial power spectrum using the Cosmic Microwave Background temperature anisotropy data from Planck. I shall highlight the significant features in the primordial power spectrum through a proper error estimation. I shall also address the consistency of the primordial power spectrum reconstructed from different combinations of Planck angular power spectra with WMAP-9 angular power spectrum data. I shall explore the degeneracy between primordial power spectrum features and the effects of CMB lensing. Towards the end I shall present two nearly smooth primordial power spectra, containing only the important features that provide significant improvement in fit to the Planck data compared to power law primordial power spectrum. [ PDF slides ]
Tasinato, Gianmassimo (Institute for Cosmology and Gravitation, Portsmouth)
[2 September, 14:30-15:00]
Non-stardard tensor fluctuations and inflation
Using an effective field theory approach to inflation, we investigate the dynamics of tensor fluctuations in scenarios that are more general than the ones studied so far, in which we renounce to some of the symmetries and requirements usually imposed on the dynamics of perturbations. [ PDF slides ]
Gluscevic, Vera (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton)
[3 September, 14:00-14:30]
New method to probe primordial magnetic fields at high redshifts
(Co-Authors: Tejaswi Venumadhav, Antonija Oklopcic, Abhilash Mishra, and Christopher M. Hirata)
I will describe a new method to search for primordial seeds of present-day cosmic magnetic fields, using future measurements from low-frequency radio-arrays designed to study tomography of the redshifted 21-cm brightness-temperature fluctuations. When hydrogen atoms in the triplet state of the hyperfine transition are immersed into a weak external magnetic field B, they slowly precesses around the direction of B. The signature of a coherent precession of an ensemble of atoms at high redshift is introduction of a preferred direction in the power spectrum of the brightness-temperature fluctuations observed in the sky. The order-of-magnitude of the magnetic fields that could in principle be captured by precise measurements of the power spectrum is less than 10-19 Gauss at redshift of 20. Such sensitivity makes this method an extremely promising avenue for probing physics of gas at high redshifts and potentially providing insight into the physics of inflation. I will summarize the theoretical basis for this effect and discuss detectability of primordial magnetic fields using data from SKA and similar surveys. [ PDF slides ]
Grün, Daniel (Universitäts-Sternwarte München)
[3 September, 14:30-15:00]
Weak lensing of SZ clusters
Current cosmological constraints from SZ clusters are limited by the uncertainty of the mass-observable relation. External mass calibration, especially with lensing, is therefore a key to an improved interpretation of the cluster detections. I will present results from our weak lensing follow-up of a sample of Planck SZ clusters (arXiv:1310.6744) and give an outlook of work in progress on potential environment-based selection effects in the Planck SZ catalog and a model for the intrinsic scatter of weak lensing cluster mass measurements. [ PDF slides ]
Firouzjahi, Hassan (IPM, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences)
[4 September, 14:00-14:30]
Anisotropic Primordial Universe
There are indications of power asymmetry in Planck data. In this talk we study the long mode modulation and the primordial domain wall as two mechanisms in generating hemispherical asymmetry during inflation. In particular we show that the asymmetry induced from the primordial domain wall has non-trivial shapes with large dipole and sub-leading quadrupole and octopole amplitudes. Finally, we study a model of anisotropic inflation with large statistical anisotropies in gravitational waves yielding non-trivial anisotropic patterns in TT, TB and BB correlations. [ PDF slides ]
Watanabe, Yuki (Research Center for the Early Universe, University of Tokyo)
[4 September, 14:30-15:00]
New Higgs Inflation vs. Starobinsky Inflation: status after Planck2013 and BICEP2 results
In this talk, I will discuss two well-motivated inflation models within a higher derivative gravitational theory: New Higgs Inflation and Starobinsky R^2 Inflation.
In the first part, I will show that the New Higgs Inflation, where the Higgs boson is kinetically non-minimally coupled to the Einstein tensor, is in perfect compatibility with the latest Planck and BICEP2 data. Moreover, I show that the tension between the Planck and BICEP2 data can be relieved within the New Higgs Inflation scenario by a negative running of the spectral index. Regarding the unitarity of the model, I argue that it is unitary throughout the evolution of the Universe. Weak couplings in the Higgs-Higgs and Higgs-graviton sectors are provided by a large background dependent cut-off scale during inflation. After inflation, the New Higgs model is well approximated by a quartic Galileon with a renormalizable potential. I argue that this can unitarily create the right conditions for inflation to eventually start.
In the second part, I will discuss the Starobinsky R^2 Inflation, where the Ricci scalar is dynamical and plays a role of the inflaton. In the Einstein frame picture, inflation is driven by a slowly rolling condensate of scalar gravitons, called scalaron, and followed by a coherently oscillating scalaron phase. Since the scalaron oscillates excessively many times in its potential, which has a quadratic minimum and is a little shallower than quadratic on the positive side, it may fragment into long-living localized objects, called oscillons or I-balls, due to nonlinear growth of fluctuations before reheating of the Universe. I show that while parametric self-resonances amplify scalar-field fluctuations in the Minkowski background, the growth cannot overcome the decay due to expansion in the Friedmann background after R^2 inflation. By taking into account back-reaction from the metric of space-time, modes that are larger than a critical scale are indeed amplified and become non-decaying. However, those non-decaying modes are not growing enough to form spatially localized lumps of the scalaron. Thus, reheating processes are unaltered and they proceed through perturbative decay of the scalaron. The lifetime of the scalaron determines everything: the reheating temperature and precise values of observable spectra of curvature and gravitational wave fluctuations.[ PDF slides ]
Battye, Richard (Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, University of Manchester)
[5 September, 14:00-14:30]
Tension between CMB & LSS
We will show that there is a significant (~ 5 σ) between CMB data from Planck and WMAP, and LSS measurements from clusters, lensing and redshift-space distortions. Presuming the data to be correct, which may not be a good assumption, we then go on to discuss possible resolutions including massive neutrinos, both active and sterile. [ PDF slides ]
Majumdar, Subha (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)
[5 September, 14:30-15:00]
Astrophysics and Cosmology of DM detection experiments
Dark Matter (DM) direct detection experiments are increasingly turning out to be the melting pot of cosmology, DM particle experiments and astronomy, where the knowledge from each needs to intimately linked if one has to figure out the nature of the DM particle candidate. For example, the knowledge of the phase-space structure of DM in the solar neighbourhood affects the interpretation of DM detection experiments. One can infer phase-space information from either cosmological DM simulations or directly from astronomical data. In this talk, I will focus on the latter and infer the Milky Way mass model and the velocity distribution function (VDF) of the DM particles directly from the circular speed (“rotation curve") data of the Galaxy. I will show that the derived most-likely local isotropic VDF strongly differs from the Maxwellian form assumed in the “standard halo model” customarily used in the analysis of the results of WIMP direct-detection experiments. The astrophysical “g factor” that determines the effect of the VDF on the expected event rate in a direct-detection experiment can be lower for the derived most-likely VDF than that for the best-fit Maxwellian by as much as 1-2 orders of magnitude at the lowest WIMP mass threshold of a typical experiment. This will affect all current DM exclusion plots.[ PDF slides ]
Lewis, Antony (University of Sussex)
[8 September, 14:00-14:30-15:00]
New observables for future CMB anisotropy observations
I discuss two new signals in the CMB anisotropies that should definitely be non-zero even in the simplest models: a non-zero CMB bispectrum, and non-Blackbody anisotropies. I'll discuss the origin of these signals, what new can be learned from them, and some of the challenges for future observations.[ PDF slides ]
Sherwin, Blake (UC Berkeley)
[8 September, 14:30-15:00]
CMB Lensing Measurements, Present and Future
Measurements of gravitational lensing in the CMB directly probe the projected distribution of mass out to high redshifts, and thus encode a wealth of information about cosmology. After briefly reviewing what we have learned from past work on CMB temperature lensing (e.g., with ACT and Planck), I will explain why polarization lensing measurements will allow us to significantly improve constraints on both neutrino masses and inflationary tensor modes. I will then discuss exploratory CMB polarization lensing measurements with the POLARBEAR and ACTPol experiments, which demonstrate this new technique. Finally, I will explain the great scientific returns we can expect from such ground-based CMB polarization lensing surveys over the next few years, and outline some of the challenges we can expect along the way.[ PDF slides ]
Ettori, Stefano (INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna)
[9 September, 14:00-14:30]
From X-ray/SZ observables to the mass in galaxy clusters
The key tool to use galaxy clusters as astrophysical laboratories and cosmological probes is the knowledge of the distribution of the their gravitating and baryonic mass. I'll discuss some present limitations in reconstructing of the gas and total mass profiles from X-ray observations. I'll show how the use of generalized scaling relations can help to reduce the scatter in obtaining the total mass and to constrain the physics responsible for the observed deviations from the self-similar model. [ PDF slides ]
Chon, Gayoung (Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik)
[9 September, 14:30-15:00]
Characterising our Universe with the REFLEX II cluster survey
We report our recent results from the extended REFLEX (ROSAT-ESO flux-limited) cluster survey. With the well-understood selection function we construct the X-ray luminosity function from which we obtain constraints on the cosmological parameters, sigma8 and omegaM. We report some tension with the Planck CMB constraints while we find good agreement with previous constraints with other cluster surveys. The second part of the talk will concern the large-scale structure in the nearby Universe probed by the X-ray superclusters and the density distribution of clusters. The latter reveals a local under-dense region, and we will discuss its implications on cosmology.[ PDF slides ]
Carbone, Carmelita (INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera)
[10 September, 14:00-14:30]
Lensing, ISW/RS and respective cross-correlations from the largest cosmological simulations with massive neutrino particles
I will present, weak-lensing, CMB-lensing and ISW/RS photon ray-tracing across the first set of cosmological simulations produced within the “Dark Energy and Massive Neutrino Universe” (DEMNUni) project. These simulations are characterized by Lbox=2Gpc/h, Npart=2 x 20483, a baseline LCDM-Planck cosmology, and four different total neutrino masses, M\nu=0, 0.17, 0.3, 0.53eV, in the form of a particle-component with a degenerate mass spectrum. I will present fully non-linear effects obtained from the DEMNUni simulations, and show how massive neutrinos alter lensing and ISW/RS together with their cross-correlations.[ PDF slides ]
Loverde, Marilena (Enrico Fermi Institute -- KICP, University of Chicago)
[10 September, 14:30-15:00]
Massive Neutrinos in Large-scale Structure
The large-scale distribution of cold dark matter halos is generally assumed to trace the large-scale distribution of matter. In a universe with multiple types of matter fluctuations, as is the case with massive neutrinos, the relation between the halo field and the matter fluctuations may be more complicated. In the presence of massive neutrinos there is a small but pronounced feature in the halo bias near the neutrino free-streaming scale. The neutrino feature is a small step with amplitude that increases with halo mass and neutrino mass density. The scale-dependent halo bias lessens the suppression of the small-scale halo power spectrum and should therefore weaken constraints on neutrino mass from the galaxy auto-power spectrum and correlation function. On the other hand, the feature in the bias is itself a novel signature of massive neutrinos that can be studied independently. [ PDF slides ]
Gong, Jinn-Ouk (Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, POSTECH)
[11 September, 14:00-14:30]
Correlations of the primordial spectra
In this talk I discuss the correlations between correlation functions of the primordial curvature perturbation produced during inflation. In the first half I present a top-down approach where a heavy isocurvature perturbation is systematically integrated out, resulting in effective single field inflation characterized by a non-trivial speed of sound. With the sound speed supplying the departure from otherwise usual slow-roll inflation, the bispectrum is completely fixed by the power spectrum and its first two derivatives, i.e. the spectral index and running. Extending to more general case by adopting the general slow-roll formalism, other than the source terms which depend on the model details, still higher order correlation functions are characterized by the power spectrum, its spectral index and running. The correlation between the bi- and power spectra is presented as an explicit example. I also make brief comments on the possible correlations beyond 2- and 3-point functions. [ PDF slides ]
Ganc, Jonathan (CP3-Origins, University of Southern Denmark)
[11 September, 14:30-15:00]
Generating magnetic fields and distinguishing between magnetogenesis models
While magnetic fields have been measured at varying strengths up to the Mpc scale, their initial seeds remain undetermined. Inflationary magnetogenesis has proven quite difficult, with no successful models developed yet. I will discuss the novel possibility of coupling a second vector field to the standard hypercharge field, via a kinetic mixing. I will demonstrate that, even if the second vector field initially has an electric or magnetic field, it cannot be successfully transferred to the standard field. Thus, despite there being no known theoretical obstacle to their production, magnetic fields seem stubbornly resistant to early universe generation.
If magnetic fields do prove primordial, it will be important to distinguish between the models that generated them, and I will also discuss a method of constraining magnetic generation by exploring a <B2ζ> coupling between the magnetic field and the curvature perturbations. Such a coupling is generically produced during inflationary magnetogenesis. One can search for this correlation by looking for a signal in the <μT> correlation between anisotropic mu-distortion and the CMB temperature perturbation. We ultimately find a signal to noise S/N ≈ 1.0 x bNL Bμ/10 nG, where bNL is a measure of the primordial <B2ζ> , parameterized similarly to fNL, and Bμ is the magnetic field on μ-distortion scales. Thus, this observable would be sensitive to bNL ≈ 1 if Bμ ≥ 10 nG.
[ PDF slides ]
Nusser, Adi (Technion, Haifa)
[12 September, 14:00-14:30]
Probes of Large Scale Motions in Galaxy redshift Surveys
Peculiar motions perturb the observed luminosity of galaxies (i.e. estimated from redshifts rather than distances). Based on that, we obtain constraints on the velocity field and growth rate from various galaxy redshift surveys. Skeletons in the closet will be revealed and will be argues that most of them are tame. [ PDF slides ]
De, Soma (Institite for Astronomy, ETH Zurich)
[12 September, 14:30-15:00]
CMB circular polarization due to First stars.
The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) is linearly polarized. It is predicted that there is no significant intrinsic circular polarization (CP) in the standard cosmology. In this paper, we study the circular polarization of the CMB due to the Faraday conversion (FC), in particular FC due to the supernova remnants of the first stars, also called the Pop III stars. The mechanism of Faraday conversion channels a pre-existing linear polarization into circular polarization, in presence of magnetic field and scattering of photons with relativistic electrons. We derive an analytic form for the angular power spectrum of the CP of the CMB generated by the FC. We apply this result to the particular case of the FC triggered by explosions of the first stars and estimate the angular power spectrum, CV V . We show that the amplitude of l(l + 1)CV V /(2\pi) > 10-2 \mu K2 for l > 100, with the ll age of the Pop III SN remnant to be 104 years and frequency of CMB observation as 1 GHz. We expect CP of the CMB to be a very promising probe of the yet unobserved first stars, primarily due to the expected high signal along with an unique frequency dependence.[ PDF slides ]
Zaroubi, Saleem (Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, Univ. of Groningen)
[15 September, 14:00-14:30]
Upper limits on the Epoch of Reionization from LOFAR
The LOw Frequency ARray, LOFAR, has started collecting data on december 2012. I will present the results from first observational season and the upper limits they put on the EoR and discuss our future plans.[ PDF slides ]
Giannantonio, Tommaso (Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München)
[15 September, 14:30-15:00]
Testing cosmological perturbations after Planck: inflation and dark energy
Constraining the nature of cosmological perturbations at early and late times is key to understanding the nature of the physical processes driving both phases of accelerated expansion: inflation and dark energy. In this talk I will present recent work on both fronts.
The standard paradigm for inflation is that primordial curvature perturbations were produced by single-field slow-roll inflation. The recently claimed detection of primordial B-mode CMB polarisation by BICEP2, if taken at face value and combined with the Planck CMB temperature data, is at odds with these assumptions. This apparent tension may be alleviated by introducing isocurvature modes or a running of the scalar spectral index. I will present results of a Bayesian model comparison between these models.
Constraining perturbations is equally crucial to distinguish between models for the dark energy phase, such as a dynamical field or a modification to gravity, if a departure from a cosmological constant is ever found. I will present new constraints on a generalised parameterisation of the dark sector perturbations, using a combination of current data probing different perturbative components: galaxy clustering, galaxy-CMB temperature, and galaxy-CMB lensing correlations. [ PDF slides ]
Shellard, Paul (Centre for Theoretical Cosmology, Cambridge)
[16 September, 14:00-14:30]
Interpreting Planck Non-Gaussianity
Planck quantitatively advanced the study of non-Gaussianity by substantially improving constraints on local, equilateral and orthogonal models, as well as essentially all proposed scale-invariant models. Nevertheless, modal reconstructions of the Planck CMB bispectrum indicated that there may be an anomalous residual non-scaling NG signal. Is this primordial, foreground contamination, systematic effects or a statistical fluctuation? I will discuss bispectrum search methodologies for non-scaling models, such as resonance and feature models (the so-called ‘hints of NG’), as well as joint analysis with the power spectrum.
[ PDF slides ]
Räth, Christoph (Max-Planck-Institute for extraterrestrial physics)
[16 September, 14:30-15:00]
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Maleknejad, Azadeh (IPM, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences)
[17 September, 14:00-14:30]
Chiral Gravity Waves and Leptogenesis in Inflationary Models with non-Abelian Gauge Fields
We present a leptogenesis scenario associated with inflationary models involving non-Abelian gauge fields within the standard model of particle physics (SM). We show that this class of inflationary models generates intrinsic birefringent gravitational waves that through the gravitational chiral anomaly in SM, can naturally create a net lepton number density. The CP violating interaction is produced by tensor fluctuations of the gauge field, while the efficiency of this process is determined by the effective background value of the gauge field. We demonstrate that this mechanism can create the observed value of baryon to photon number density in a natural range of parameters of these models.[ PDF slides ]
Martins, Carlos (CAUP, Porto)
[17 September, 14:30-15:00]
The UVES Large Program for Testing Fundamental Physics
I will present the latest results of our ESO Large Program, which is testing the stability of fundamental couplings with parts per million accuracy. I will also discuss how these measurements can be used to constrain dynamical dark energy and unification scenarios. Finally I will briefly outline the improvements in the sensitivity of these tests expected from forthcoming facilities, and their potential impact on cosmology and fundamental physics.[ PDF slides ]
Peiris, Hiranya(Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London)
[18 September, 14:00-14:30]
From precision to accuracy: cosmology with large imaging surveys
Photometric surveys are often larger and extend to fainter magnitudes than spectroscopic samples, and can therefore yield more precise cosmological measurements. However, photometric data are significantly contaminated by multiple sources of systematics, either intrinsic, observational, or instrumental. These systematics affect the properties of the raw images in complex ways, propagate into the final catalogues, and create spurious spatial correlations. Some of these correlations may also be imprinted in spectroscopic catalogues, since the latter rely on targets selected from imaging data. Therefore, not just precise — but also accurate — cosmological inferences from imaging surveys require careful mitigation of spatially-varying systematics. I will present a new framework of extended mode projection to robustly mitigate the impact of such systematics on power spectrum measurements. I will demonstrate the effectiveness of the technique, showing constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity using the clustering of 800, 000 photometric quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey in the redshift range 0.5 < z < 3.5. [ PDF slides ]
Sugiyama, Naoshi (Nagoya University)
[18 September, 14:30-15:00] />Primordial Magnetic Fields more and Cosmology after Planck
There are several talks about primordial magnetic fields in this meeting. I would like to summarize our works related to the primordial magnetic fields. Let me first discuss about the possible generation mechanism of magnetic fields through 2nd order perturbations. Some exotic scenarios such as modified gravity or topological defect to generate magnetic fields through vector perturbations are also discussed. Then I will talk about possible impact of primordial magnetic fields on structure formation of the universe such as CMB and 21cm. I will finally discuss possible detection of cluster magnetic fields by utilizing CMB polarization. Rest of my talk is dedicated for some entertainment since my talk will be the last of them.[ PDF slides ]
[19 September, 14:00-15:00]
[ PDF slides ]