Cosmology After Planck

25 August - 19 September 2014

Nabila Aghanim, Eiichiro Komatsu, Benjamin Wandelt, Jochen Weller

The Planck Satellite has transformed the accuracy of cosmological observations, which allows to constrain cosmological models with unprecedented precision.

The Planck observations have far reaching impact on the possible cosmological models and interpretations. This MIAPP workshop "Cosmology after Planck" will bring together observers and theorists to provide a platform for presenting and discussing the Planck Satellite results in the context of cosmological models. In particular we will discuss the polarization measurements, constraints on primordial Non-Gaussianity, the effect and exploitation of CMB lensing, constraints on inflationary models, probes of the reionization history of the Universe, Sunyaev-Zel'dovich galaxy cluster observations and the future of CMB observations.