Programs 2015

2 - 27 February 2015

Dark Matter: Astrophysical Probes, Laboratory tests, and Theory Aspects (Dark Malt 2015)

Alejandro Ibarra, Jean-Come Lanfranchi, Josef Pradler, Carsten Rott, Jochen Schieck

4 - 29 May 2015

The New Milky Way: Impact of Large Spectroscopic on our Understanding of the Milky Way in the Gaia-era

Andreas Burkert, Sofia Feltzing, Gerry Gilmore, Luca Pasquini, Sofia Randich, Achim Weiss

1 - 26 June 2015

Indirect Searches for New Physics in the LHC and Flavour Precision Era

Gerhard Buchalla, Gino Isidori, Ulrich Nierste, Jure Zupan u

29 June - 24 July 2015

Anticipating 14 TeV: Insights into Matter from the LHC and Beyond

Csaba Csaki, Lisa Randall, Michael Ratz, Andreas Weiler

27 July - 21 August 2015

Star Formation History of the Universe

Amy Barger, Andreas Burkert, Richard Davies, Guinevere Kauffmann

24 August- 18 September 2015

The Many Faces of Neutron Stars

Werner Becker, David Blaschke, Ed v.d. Heuvel, Michael Kramer, Nick Kylafis, Joachim Trümper

Topical Workshop 2015

1 - 3 June 2015

Flavour 2015: New Physics at High Energy and High Precision

Gerhard Buchalla, Gino Isidori, Ulrich Nierste, Jure Zupan

13 - 15 July 2015

Anticipating Discoveries: LHC14 and Beyond

Csaba Csaki, Lisa Randall, Michael Ratz, Andreas Weiler