Programs 2018

26 Feburary - 23 March 2018

The High Energy Universe: Gamma Ray, Neutrino, and Cosmic Ray Astronomy

Elisa Resconi, Stefano Gabici, Francis Halzen, Angela Olinto, Paolo Padovani

9 April - 4 April 2018

The Interstellar Medium of High Redshift Galaxies

Andrea Ferrara, Richard Ellis, Fabian Walter

14 May - 8 June 2018

Near-Earth Objects: Properties, Detection, Resources, Impacts and Defending Earth

Andreas Burkert, Camilla Colombo, Robert Jedicke, Detlef Koschny, Richard Wainscoat

11 June - 6 July 2018

The Extragalactic Distance Scale in the Gaia Era

Lucas Macri, Rolf Kudritzki, Sherry Suyu, Wolfgang Gieren

27 August - 21 September 2018

Probing the Quark-Gluon Plasma with Collective Phenomena and Heavy Quarks

Torsten Dahms, Laura Fabbietti, Jean-Philippe Lansberg, Jean-Yves Ollitrault

15 October - 9 November 2018

Interface of Effective Field Theories and Lattice Gauge Theory

Nora Brambilla, Andreas Kronfeld, Peter Petreczky, Antonio Vairo

Topical Workshop 2018

20 - 22 February 2018

b→sℓℓ 2018: 6th Workshop on Rare Semileptonic B Decays

David Straub, Thomas Kuhr, Danny van Dyk

6 - 8 September 2018

Exploring the Perfect Liquid

Torsten Dahms, Laura Fabbietti, Jean-Philippe Lansberg, Jean-Yves Ollitrault